Ob als Schutz vor der Sonne, zum Aufsaugen von Schweiß an heißen Tagen oder als zusätzliche Wärmeschicht bei kühlerem Wetter — die Casquette erfüllt ihren Zweck. Sie passt mühelos unter den Helm und lässt sich bei Bedarf platzsparend in der Trikottasche verstauen. Ein zeitloser Klassiker mit einer Prise Riviera-Flair.
Welcome to our Shipping page!
Shipping Costs
Shipping costs are calculated based on the weight and size of your package.
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If you have any questions or concerns about shipping, please feel free to contact us at: grundtner@grundtner.com
Country Not Listed?
If your country is not available for selection during checkout, please get in touch with us. We will work to find a solution for you.
Country |
Up to 3KG | 3KG to 31.5KG |
Austria | €6 | Free over €100 |
Germany | €12 | Free over €150 |
Belgium | €15 | €72 |
Czech Republic | €15 | €72 |
Hungary | €15 | €72 |
Luxembourg | €15 | €72 |
Netherlands | €15 | €72 |
Poland | €15 | €72 |
Slovakia | €15 | €72 |
Slovenia | €15 | €72 |
Denmark | €18 | €72 |
France | €18 | €72 |
Italy | €18 | €72 |
Estonia | €24 | €72 |
Spain | €24 | €72 |
Finland | €24 | €72 |
Croatia | €24 | €72 |
Ireland | €24 | €72 |
Lithuania | €24 | €72 |
Latvia | €24 | €72 |
Portugal | €24 | €72 |
Romania | €24 | €72 |
Sweden | €24 | €72 |
Switzerland | €24 | €72 |
Bulgaria | €24 | €72 |
Greece | €24 | €72 |
Rest of the World | €35 | €120 |
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Thank you for shopping with us!
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