120 Jahre Zuverlässigkeit: Gemeinsam Unterwegs seit 1904

120 years of reliability: On the road together since 1904

A journey through the history of our bicycle shop

We have been accompanying cycling enthusiasts on their journey through the world of cycling for 120 years now. "We may not be on your handlebars, but we are always by your side!" - This motto has carried us through the decades and reflects the deep connection to our customers.

A look back

In 1904, when the streets were still dominated by bicycles and the bicycle began its triumph as a modern means of transport, we opened our bicycle shop in the heart of Hallein. Since then, we have not only witnessed the developments in bicycle technology, but have also always strived to offer our customers the best.

Traveling together, no matter how far

Our mission has always been not only to sell bikes, but also to share the passion for cycling. We are proud to have accompanied people on their individual routes, be it on adventurous mountain passes, through picturesque towns or on leisurely cycle paths. The connection with our customers goes far beyond selling bikes - it's a journey we take together.

Always there, always refreshing

Over the years we have always strived to bring a breath of fresh air into cycling culture. Our range not only includes high-quality bicycles, but also accessories and services that make cycling an unforgettable experience. We may not be physically on the handlebars, but we are present in every step, every curve and every kilometer our customers travel.

Celebrate 120 years of reliability with us

This anniversary is a celebration of our past, the present and also a promise for the future. As a thank you for all the experiences we shared, we cordially invite you to celebrate 120 years of reliability with us. It will be a year full of surprises with great products.

We look forward to continuing to be by your side, on every route, no matter how far. We hereby raise our bikes and toast to many more years of unforgettable cycling adventures!